Laguna Beach

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

A New Jason

The Hills returns, with Jason

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Boo hoo…Laguna Beach is OVER!

OK, not a lot to say about this episode.  There was a lot of crying, and some more crying.  It looks like Jessica’s going to be left behind in Laguna as Alex and Kristin are planning to move in together.  Jason’s also going to L.A.  The guys had one last surf together.  

Stephen charges LC with “are you ready to conquer another city together?”  Then reminds her that San Francisco conquered her.  Funny, Stephen.

Weird twist: LC gets her own show.  I could never really relate to LC, but maybe there’s someone out there who can.  

Unexpected: LC’s little sister joins the fun in Laguna Beach, Season 3.  

Expected: Next season looks kind of boring.  Not a lot of familiar faces.  Thought I saw Jessica in there, and Jason’s prom date (oh, didn’t he diss her too?)

Disappointment: The rich girl didn’t get in the mix too much.  Other than the nasty rumor she spread around about Alex, she flew under the radar this season.  It would have been fun to sprinkle some of her blond moments throughout the season, like when she asked her “help” for “un quesadilla por favor.”

Drama rating: 1/10.  No major fights, just um, people crying and driving away.

At least I was with good company.

Neat Laguna Beach gossip:

Talan is getting hitched!  Not to Taylor, but Rod Stewart’s daughter!  I suspected something was up when I heard about their car crash last week with a Ms. Paris Hilton.

According to IMDB, both Kristin and Talan have movie deals.  Does she know how to act, other than acting snotty?  Think drama star Alex M. is going to be more than a little jealous?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

When "Sorry" Isn't Enough

Someone had to do it: LC emerges as the heroine of Laguna, telling Jason straight up that he’d embarrassed her…in front of her family no less, kissing Jessica (of all people).  Still, it was like a horror flick for a second as I yelled at the screen, “Get out of there LC!  He’s going to pull his Jason magic on you!”  And contrary to Laguna Beach female tradition, she turned her back on him, while he took off on a bumpy ride home in the hills of Laguna…sniff…was that a tear, J-Wall?  Well, LC’s voice sounded like she’d been crying for her entire life.

Aside from LC’s great stand, not a lot of drama in last night’s LB. Jason and Jessica argue about who kissed who, and now I think, hey, those two might just be a perfect match.  If only they could be isolated from everyone else’s lives.

LC hosts a party, and although Alex H. convinces Kristin to go and try to make peace with LC in the LB, it’s just not meant to be.  They’re underdressed…Kristin’s like “everybody’s wearing dresses.”  Naturally Kristin picks up a souvenir before she leaves, and it looked a lot like Stephen.  So Kristin leaves with Alex H., Stephen, and LC’s heart.  Oh, and a snotty attitude.

My friends, I fear we are reaching the end of what’s been a great season.  Everyone’s moving…to LA.  Undoubtedly some of these kids are headed to Hollywood.  And I’m torn, do I want to see more of the high school drama, or am I ready to follow the bunch to LA, and see what their “grown up” lives are like?  Here’s Kristin sitting in rush hour traffic.  Here’s Stephen complaining about his boss to his cube-mate.  Here’s Alex H. in pajamas on a Friday night.  Here’s Jason…calling Jessica on her phone and seeing “what’s up.”  Nah!  Give me some new kids!

I give the episode a 5/10 for drama level.  Props to LC for not falling prey to the J-Wall voodoo.

Monday, October 31, 2005

There's Something About Jason

What is it about Jason, J-Wall…the boy everyone loves to hate?  One of my friends said he has stud appeal, which apparently gets you pretty far in LB.

No one understands the hold he has on Jessica.  Not Kristin, and certainly not Dieter…who can’t believe Jason still has Jessica wrapped around his finger.  (He expresses his disbelief in an amusing opening scene.)

Not surprisingly, Jessica ends up on Jason’s lap at a fundraiser for mudslide victims (props to you, Laguna kids!), much to the chagrin of LC...who is mysteriously no longer helpful to Jessica as she gets ready to model.  Still, Jessica turns up the heat and goes for the kiss, even after a scolding from an unusually vicious LC.  Just in case you forgot they were in high school, the “kisser” and the “kissee” becomes the major mystery, so much so, that the issue extends to next week’s episode.  Ugh.  A concerned (or is it jealous?) Dieter attempts to solve the mystery in this episode with a cell call to Jessica.  I just love the drama between those two.

How do you become a star on LB?  Naturally, provide the drama.  That’s why Alex H. (who?) is so…forgettable.  She, of course, is Kristin’s tall friend, who um, made out with a boy once.  A bit of advice for you Alex H.…figure out a way to get Jason’s attention, and then start a fight with Jessica.  Watch the movie offers start rolling in.  It’s a better way of getting camera time than just pining over Kristin all the time (yeah, bring it Talan).

The episode’s climax reaches its height as the conniving J-Wall reaches out to talk to LC, who will have NONE of it.

Were those sad eyes out of Jason?  It’s nice seeing him sitting on a chair alone, rather than chillin’ in a hot tub with some new chick.  But is he despondent?  Certainly not.  Just thinking up a new game plan.  A peek into Jason’s head… “Let’s see…how can I be with LC and Jessica at the same time?  Maybe I’ll make a deal with Jessica that as long as she doesn’t speak, I’ll see her slyly on the side when my skin is too pruny to stay in LC’s hot tub.”

Overall, a fairly interesting episode.  I rate it a 7/10 on the drama scale.  I thought it was shot particularly well, considering the pandemonium of a fashion show.  It was fun to see the Dieter-Jessica fights…they have a great way of communicating with each other.  

If only Alex M. had found a way to get involved in the love triangle, we could have had a perfect show…

Man, more new cool sunglasses from Stephen!  How will I ever keep up?